About Paula Statman

Why I’m the coach to help you

I’m an author and former reluctant speaker, so I know what it’s like to have to step outside of your comfort zone.

In my first career as a clinical social worker, I didn’t do any speaking and wasn’t thinking about writing a book. But, after a persistent literary agent contacted me, I agreed to write a book proposal, which in turn, was snapped up by a large publishing house.

Within 2 weeks of the book’s publication, I landed my first paid speaking engagement! I didn’t want to embarrass myself or my publisher. So, I hired a speaking coach, who helped me write and deliver my first speech. Best decision I ever made. A few months later I got my first standing ovation.

For the next 15 years, I spoke professionally. And the more I spoke, the more books I sold. Over time, I knew I wanted to share what I'd learned. So, in 2008, I started coaching authors and speakers.

  • Many of my clients are introverts, who become as confident in their speaking as they are in their writing. Some authors’ interviews lead to paid speaking engagements. (That’s how I landed my first keynote).

    I coach authors from all over the world for interviews and public appearances, as well as TED talks. My special expertise is in helping authors turn their messages into engaging conversations that impact listeners’ lives.

  • I love working with authors. I use all my experience, which includes 25 years as an author, speaker, and coach, as well as a background in psychology, to help you step into the spotlight and speak with confidence.

It would be my privilege to help you lift your words off the page and land them in the hearts and minds of your audience.

Why Hire Paula